One of the Earliest Television Appearances of Malcolm X

This is one of the earliest appearances of Malcolm X on a Television Talk Show, with Lewis Lomax (1959). Malcolm X was still in the Nation of Islam and defending Elijah Mohammed’s teachings that the white man was the evil oppressor of the Black man. However, what is overlooked in his dialogue is the emphasis on SELF HELP, self preservation and self support in the Black community. From his perspective, the white man, judging from history, has never been the friend or supporter of people of color, thus the harsh rhetoric towards them in this early dialogue.

Source: Episode 02: Malcolm X The BMA: Malcolm X in an early appearance on a television talk show. Malcolm X in an early appearance on a television talk show. Wed, 18 Oct 2006 16:39:04 -0500 Education no 00:08:07 black, african-american, history, media, archive, negro, BMA (Black Media Archive)

Note: The BMA (Black Media Archive) has been offline for years. It was a great source of Black History primary sources and information. One can watch all 350 plus episodes on the Internet Archive ( ): Type in Search: Black Media Archive.