Whitewashed History

The main goal of this website is to provide historical information that has been minimized and/or left out of our collective historical books and narratives (i.e: American and World History). Most of the historical subjects presented on this website are not familiar names in history, but they all have contributed significantly to American History in particular, and world history in general, even though they have been neglected by mainstream historians and history books.

I am not a professional historian, but one does not need to be a historian to know when facts are deliberately left out of historical narratives due to several factors, (In American history, the main factor is race). I am a reader of various American and world historical narratives from primary and secondary sources and the historical evidence shows that The United States was not built almost exclusively by white men, even though one would think so when reading historical narratives of the United States. In world history, the Europeans were not/are not the standard in terms of civilization and power(nor is the US), but one could come to that conclusion from the historical narratives that are presented these days in our schools and in our media.

I am a firm believer that history is about PEOPLE, and not just about white people only. To call or label historical studies that are not about whites, (labels such as: “ethnic studies”, or “Latino, Black or Asian’ studies”, or whatever hyphenated studies one can think of), is a prime example of Institutional Racism that is rampant in the United States today. The idea of ‘white people’ are by default, the standard that all other non-white people in history, education, culture, etc, are measured against, is a mindset that I will attempt to dispel.

The title, The Historical Memory Recovery Channel, is a reminder to the reader that history is colorblind when telling the stories, narratives, facts and information of the Human Race, and that people of European descent are not the de-facto standard to judge the progress of humankind. After all, people of every skin color are of the same species, human.